Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why Every Person Should Become a Song Writer (Personal Development)

Personal Development

Every morning before I wake up, I take a few minutes to get my thoughts going in the right direction. I think thoughts like, “I’m so very thankful that there is an abundance of good surrounding me. I’m so thankful, that I have everything I need to fulfill God’s plan for my life. I’m so thankful, that I have the unlimited mind capacity to focus and get every job done. I’m grateful that I wake up every morning invigorated, happy, healthy and with an abundance of energy.” These are the type of affirmations that get me going and in the right mindset everyday.

For about thirty minutes every morning, I’d take time to think good thoughts and focus on everything I’m thankful for.

But one morning I woke up, and I couldn’t help but get this one song out of my head. Even when I began to focus on a good thought or do some reading, I couldn’t seem to shake this song. Fortunately, it was a good song. It was a song of praise, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But I wanted to be deliberate, purposeful. I didn’t want to go on automatic, I wanted to be intentional and to think about what I was thinking about.

Then it got me to thinking, this happens to people all the time. Part of the reason we can’t go to that next level in life, partly, is because we have the wrong programming lodged in our mind. Again, fortunate for me it was a good song, an empowering song, and that’s great. But for many people, the song they have playing over and over again on the radio station of their mind, is a song that’s not empowering. A song that has no benefit. In fact, many times it’s a song that brings them down.

Much of the reason this happens, is because artists will take a catchy beat, and put a catchy saying to it and it develops a repetition in our mind. It’s the catchy-ness of the song, that validates and gets the message across.

Now, there has to become a point, when every person becomes a song writer. In other words, go into the business of writing songs for yourself. Songs that are uplifting. Songs that are inspiring, empowering and motivating.

You don’t have do be the best song writer. You don’t have to be an award winning producer or beat maker. In fact, the less perfect it is, the more room there is to make it your own.

All you have to do is take a positive thought, and develop a habit of making it catchy in your own mind. Put your own beat to it, so to speak. Sell it. Make it your own. It should be so catchy that when you wake up in the morning, it’s your own song that’s lodged in your mind. It’s your own song that you can’t get out of your head. This would be a good problem to have.

Whose song is it? Michael Jackson’s? Whitney Houston’s? No, it’s your own. Whose house is it getting the most play? Your own home.

You can go to a new place in life, when you can develop a song that says, “You are enough. You have what it takes.” To me, that would be an award winning song. A song that’s more than just a beat. A song that doesn’t corrupt, but uplifts.

Let your own song get it’s own air play in the satellite radio of your own mind. Develop a habit every morning of playing your own song of empowerment. It just might be the one thing that makes the difference between a joy-filled day, and a day full of doom and gloom.

If this blog has helped you, be sure to share it. Let it uplift and inspire someone else to have a joyful day and write a happy song!

The post Why Every Person Should Become a Song Writer (Personal Development) appeared first on Jarrod Inspires.


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