Monday, February 9, 2015

14 Lies We Tell Ourselves

lies we tell ourselves

Much of what’s holding us back in life, are the lies we believe. It’s the limiting beliefs we’ve taken on over the years. What’s even more unfortunate is, we’ve grown such a belief for these negative views that they’ve become our own personal truths.

Here are 14 lies we tell ourselves that have been holding us back in life:

1. I’m not good enough/I don’t measure up – One of the number one lies we believe, is thinking were not good enough. And it’s such a hard thing to overcome. Human nature would have us to look at what others have going for themselves. But you have to believe that you are good enough. See your own potential. Take on a new belief today. You are more than enough.

2. I’m a failure – You are bigger than the failures of your past. The failures are only there to teach you the lessons that will catapult you to the next level. Use the failures as a stepping stone to step into the greatness you were meant to be!

3. I’m worthless – This is perhaps the next biggest lie. Many have believed this lie for so long, for them, it’s become a truth. Realize today, you are a person of great worth and value. When you hear that negative voice of defeat starting to convince you otherwise, stop it dead in it’s tracks. Start telling yourself a different truth today.

4. I have no purpose – One of the reasons most people feel unfulfilled, is because they believe they have no purpose. Don’t let this lie keep you from being all you can be. Start today by looking at what you have going for yourself. What are you passionate about? What do you like to do in your spare time?

Start by doing the thing you love most. It’s the gift that will make room for you. I always say, as long as you have breath in your body, somebody needs what you have.

5. I can’t succeed – The only reason you haven’t succeeded is because you keep telling yourself this lie. You can’t do the very thing that you’re speaking against. So start speaking success into your future. Be bold. If you’ve failed in the past, dare to try again. If you keep at it without fail, you will come into the success that’s meant for you.

6. I can’t own a business – Maybe you’ve had an idea to develop a product, or market your brand or service. Don’t let the lie that has held 97% of the population back keep you from going into business for yourself. As an entrepreneur, I encourage you to go after it. Develop your product. Do some research on how to market your service. You will be surprised at the passion that takes off as a result of it.

7. I don’t deserve it – Many people have given up on the things they desire. They let their mistakes keep them from thinking they can’t have it. They’ve reasoned, “it’s useless. I haven’t been my best in the past. I’ve had a few bad breaks, some wrong turns.” But take up a different reasoning today. Start believing you deserve it!

8. I can’t have what I want in life – This is perhaps the biggest reason many aren’t getting what they want. It’s because they’re believing they can’t have it. If you start singing a different tune, you’ll start to get a few different results in life. Start speaking it into existence. You may not see how it can happen, but let there be a knowing deep down inside that you can have what you’ve always wanted.

9. It won’t work for me – Too many people are looking at what others have going for them, and shortchanging their own potential. Yes others have a lot going for them, but you have to believe you have something going for yourself too. Start believing that it can happen for you.

10. I can’t come up higher in life – Sometimes it’s easy to look at your past, where you’ve failed and the mess you’ve been through. And sometimes we’re our own work critic. But realize today, you are bigger than the labels you’ve put on yourself and what others have put on you. Start by believing your future is bright!

11. It’s worthless to dream big – The only reason most people don’t dream, is because of the limiting beliefs we’ve accepted as children. We were told, “it’s pointless to dream. Don’t get your head in the clouds.” Or, “Come back down to earth.” I’m telling you today, if you want to rise to that next level, dare to get a vision for the great things that are in store for you. Believe in your future. Start dreaming again!

12. I can’t accomplish my goals – This rings true for many failed New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t believe this lie. And don’t give up on your goals just because you’ve fallen short. The moment you quit is the moment you’re three feet from gold!

13. I’m not talented – I grew up as a drummer, and when I would play in church or different venues, people would always compliment me on my playing. They’d then proceed to say things like, “I’m not that talented. I would learn an instrument or take up a craft, but I’ve never had the coordination.”

The truth is, most talented people began uncoordinated. They only became talented after hours and hours of practice. The same rings true for you. If you want to become talented and skilled, rise above the old mentality. Go out on a limb and do the thing you’ve always wanted to do.

14. I’m don’t have the discipline – By now you’re probably seeing a pattern here. Most of the things we lack, are only shortfalls because of what we tell ourselves. If you want to develop the discipline, start by speaking it into action. Then, begin to implement it. Discipline is like a muscle. You’ll be surprised how much strength you have, once you dare do the thing you’ve been putting off for so long.

If these tips have resonated with you, share it with someone who you think may benefit from it. Also leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what lies you’ve been believing, and how you’d like to overcome it!

The post 14 Lies We Tell Ourselves appeared first on Jarrod Inspires.


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