Thursday, February 5, 2015

5 Things Successful People Don’t Do

Successful people

Success is kind of like beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder. Different people define success differently. Some say successful people are wealthy people. Others define success as being famous. Some people say you’re successful if you can lose weight or accomplish a lot of goals in life.

One thing we can all be certain is that we all have a need and a desire in life. The thing that will determine if we successfully reach our goals, is our ability to change a few daily habits.

I write a lot about the habits of successful people. They’ve developed the habit of reading daily, exercising regularly. They listen to an empowering audio and tackle the toughest task, first thing in the morning. But we don’t always hear about the things they don’t do. Here are a five things successful people don’t do.

1) They don’t watch a lot of Television – It’s not an accident. Successful people aren’t so busy that they don’t have time for television. No they are intentional. They purposely steer clear of programs that are going to pollute their mind with the negative mindset that has been plaguing society.

If you’re going to be successful, there will come a time when you have to miss out on the latest reality show. The news is great. I’m all for knowing the weather. I’m all for hearing the latest greatest happenings; but if you’re not careful, you’ll get bogged down by the latest negative headlines.

2) Successful people don’t buy into the statistics – Anytime you do something that causes you to come up higher, their will always be a failure rate. One of the habits of successful people is, they don’t become phased by the failure rate. They don’t buy into the statistics.

If you open up a magazine, it won’t be long before you come across the statistic that reminds you that your chances of success are slim to none. That’s when you have to turn the page. Ignore the statistics, stay focused on the facts; the one that says you are extraordinary, spectacular and you have what it takes.

3) They don’t get stuck on the failures – Successful people have formed the habit of moving on. They cut their losses. Everyone fails at something. The key is not to let it hold you back for good. Successful people glean from their failures; they take the lessons they’ve learned, and use it to rise to a whole new level.

If you didn’t reach that goal this week, don’t collect excuses for why it can’t happen for you; collect data. Don’t look for the reasons why you can’t, look for the reasons why you can.

4) Successful people aren’t people pleasers – One of the habits of successful people, is they stay in their lane. They don’t take on the opinions of others. If you’re going to rise to a new level, don’t get stuck on a negative report. Critics are always going to have an opinion. They will always tell you what you should do and shouldn’t do; what you can do and can’t do.

It’s important to know your call. Know what works for you. Don’t become a people pleaser. The nay-sayers will always impress their opinion on you. But that’s when you can stand boldly, confidently and say “I’m not in the business of people pleasing, I’m in the business of God pleasing. He has the final say!”

5) They Don’t make excuses – Successful people take responsibility and own up to it. They realize when they’ve come up short, and when they’ve missed their mark. Instead of complaining and falling into defeat, they look for ways to make it better, ways to achieve that goal and how to come across the finish line.

I want to hear from you. What are some ways you’ve come into success? And what did you do (or didn’t do) that helped you to achieve your goals? Leave a comment down below!

The post 5 Things Successful People Don’t Do appeared first on Jarrod Inspires.


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